Informations from the Packaging Industry

Nuova Erreplast chooses BOBST as new flexo technology partner

18. November 2020

The Nuova Erreplast team: Crescenzo Ottaiano, Converter Manager; Domenico Raccioppoli, CEO; Antonio Pannullo, Printer and Aniello Ruggero, Production Manager, with Alberto Vaglio Laurin, Zone Business Director Bobst Italia (left to right), in front of the BOBST EXPERT CI flexo press at Nuova Erreplast in Marcianise, Italy

Quelle: Bobst

Long-established Nuo­va Er­re­plast has in­stalled a 10-color BOB­ST EX­PERT CI flexo press as the Ital­ian flex­i­ble pack­ag­ing spe­cial­ist looks to ex­pand pro­duc­tion ca­pac­i­ty and in­crease pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. This is a new part­ner­ship that reaf­firms the mar­ket’s trust in BOB­ST as an in­no­va­tion and tech­nol­o­gy pi­o­neer.

The flex­i­ble pack­ag­ing mar­ket is a fast-evolving sec­tor with growth pre­dict­ed to con­tin­ue at a rate of 3.3% each year to 2024, ac­cord­ing to the lat­est re­port from Smithers. New pack­ag­ing for­mats and in­no­va­tion in sub­strates dom­i­nate, with a grad­ual re­place­ment of rigid packs tak­ing place in favour of flex­i­ble pack­ag­ing types. Re­duc­tion in ma­te­r­i­al use, trans­porta­tion costs and en­er­gy used through­out the sup­ply chain are com­pelling ben­e­fits.

Nuo­va Er­re­plast is one the fastest grow­ing con­vert­ers of flex­i­ble pack­ag­ing in south­ern Italy, with a more than ten-fold in­crease in turnover over the past decade. To con­tin­ue this growth and en­able fur­ther in­no­va­tion, the com­pa­ny has now cho­sen to work with BOB­ST and in­vest in the best-in-class top-of-the-range EX­PERT CI flexo press to sup­port its vi­sion of the fu­ture.

“Af­ter care­ful­ly con­sid­er­ing our po­si­tion and analysing mar­ket de­mands, we de­cid­ed to part­ner with BOB­ST for our next ma­jor in­vest­ment in print­ing tech­nol­o­gy,” said Nuo­va Er­re­plast’s CEO Domeni­co Rac­ciop­poli. He added, “BOB­ST is well-known for its mar­ket-leading flexo tech­nol­o­gy and for re­li­a­bil­i­ty, and the EX­PERT CI press has all the fea­tures in terms of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and process in­no­va­tion that we need to meet up­com­ing chal­lenges and en­able us to ex­pand.”

Easy manufacturing with sustainability benefits

The 10-color BOB­ST EX­PERT CI press at Nuo­va Er­re­plast can process 1300 mm wide webs and of­fers a top pro­duc­tion speed of 600 m/min. BOB­ST’s triLOCK bear­ing tech­nol­o­gy on the print decks en­ables faster op­er­a­tion and elim­i­nates man­u­al lock­ing. This avoids process in­con­sis­ten­cy and en­sures per­fect po­si­tion­ing for high­est qual­i­ty print and less waste.

Among the host of oth­er in­no­v­a­tive fea­tures, the press is also fit­ted with smart­FLO ink­ing and doc­tor blade cham­ber sys­tem for pre­dictable and con­trolled re­sults and smart­G­PS of­fline ful­ly au­to­mat­ic reg­is­tra­tion and im­pres­sion set­ting for min­i­mum start up waste. The high-efficiency Full Sur­face Ma­trix (FSM) in­ter-color dry­er uses low­er tem­per­a­tures there­by sav­ing on en­er­gy and pre­vent­ing is­sues with sub­strate stretch­ing. The press is also ful­ly pre­pared for oneECG sev­en-color Ex­tend­ed Col­or Gamut print­ing.

The very high de­gree of au­toma­tion is com­ple­ment­ed by the EX­PERT CI’s con­nec­tiv­i­ty fea­tures, which mean that the Nuo­va Er­re­plast team can ac­cess pro­duc­tion data re­mote­ly with ease. It also en­ables pre­dic­tive main­te­nance so parts can be re­placed be­fore they fail to avoid cost­ly pro­cess­ing er­rors and down­time.

Faster de­liv­ery, short­er run lengths and more en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly sub­strates are some of the many de­mands faced by pack­ag­ing sup­pli­ers in to­day’s mar­ket. Full co­op­er­a­tion and trust be­tween con­vert­ers and equip­ment man­u­fac­tur­ers is need­ed to meet those chal­lenges and de­vel­op the right so­lu­tions.

“We are very ex­cit­ed and proud to wel­come Nuo­va Er­re­plast as a new cus­tomer to BOB­ST, and we look for­ward to a long and fruit­ful co­op­er­a­tion as we to­geth­er push the lim­its of flexo in Italy and be­yond,” said Dani­lo Vaskovic, Sales Di­rec­tor, Bob­st Biele­feld. “The EX­PERT CI press will help Nuo­va Er­re­plast max­imise pro­duc­tiv­i­ty through more au­toma­tion, faster changeovers, less waste and full con­nec­tiv­i­ty, and it will also in­crease their sus­tain­abil­i­ty tar­gets. It is sim­ply a win­ning com­bi­na­tion.”

“At BOB­ST we work hand in hand with our cus­tomers to fa­cil­i­tate their growth and keep them at the fore­front of the mar­ket,” Al­ber­to Vaglio Lau­rin, Zone Busi­ness Di­rec­tor Italy, Bob­st Italia con­clud­ed.


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