Informations from the Packaging Industry

bio-based feedstock

Sustainable hot melt adhesives from Dow and Henkel

14. Februar 2021

Dow and Henkel launching the bio-based AFFINITY™ RE as an alternative to fossil fuel-based elastomeres.

Quelle: Dow / Henkel via

Dow Pack­ag­ing and Spe­cial­ty Plas­tics, a busi­ness di­vi­sion of Dow, an­nounces the ex­pan­sion of its high-performance AFFIN­I­TY™ GA poly­olefin elas­tomers (POE) with the launch of bio-based AFFIN­I­TY™ RE. This so­lu­tion has en­abled Dow cus­tomer Henkel’s Tech­nomelt SUPRA ECO line to achieve an­oth­er mile­stone in both com­pa­nies’ sus­tain­abil­i­ty goals.

Cli­mate change is among the great­est tech­ni­cal, so­cial, and eco­nom­ic is­sues the world is cur­rent­ly fac­ing. That is why re­duc­ing the car­bon foot­print is more vi­tal than ever. As con­sumers de­mand more sus­tain­able so­lu­tions from sup­pli­ers and brands, AFFIN­I­TY™ RE of­fers an al­ter­na­tive to fos­sil fuel-based prod­ucts and can help to re­duce the car­bon foot­print whilst de­liv­er­ing the same well-known per­for­mance as the en­tire AFFIN­I­TY™ GA range. To achieve this, AFFIN­I­TY™ RE is made us­ing bio-based feed­stock such as tall oil – a by-product cre­at­ed by the pa­per-milling in­dus­try and ul­ti­mate­ly sourced from sus­tain­ably man­aged forests. This whole process is cer­ti­fied on a mass bal­ance ba­sis by the In­ter­na­tion­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty & Car­bon Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion (ISCC).

“Con­sumers ex­pect more sus­tain­abil­i­ty from the prod­ucts they use, and pack­ag­ing is no ex­cep­tion. We want to sup­port the in­dus­try to not just meet con­sumer ex­pec­ta­tions but to proac­tive­ly set ever high­er sus­tain­abil­i­ty am­bi­tions,” said Im­ran Mun­shi, Dow Pack­ag­ing & Spe­cial­ty Plas­tics con­sumer mar­ket­ing man­ag­er for Eu­rope, the Mid­dle East and Africa. “At Dow we’re proud to be em­bark­ing on a jour­ney to­wards greater sus­tain­abil­i­ty along­side an in­no­v­a­tive cus­tomer such as Henkel.”

“Con­sumers, brand own­ers, reg­u­la­tors and the in­dus­try are de­mand­ing change. The use of bio- based ma­te­r­i­al in con­sumer goods and pack­ag­ing has been iden­ti­fied as an im­por­tant dri­ver for sus­tain­able sourc­ing and lever to re­duce en­vi­ron­men­tal foot­print. With a lead­ing po­si­tion in sus­tain­able so­lu­tions, Henkel has an­tic­i­pat­ed these de­mands and be­lieves in the ne­ces­si­ty of dri­ving change with­in the in­dus­try. This can only be achieved through close col­lab­o­ra­tion with in­dus­try part­ners along the val­ue chain.” said Jen­na Koen­neke, Glob­al Head of Mar­ket Strat­e­gy for Con­sumer Good Ad­he­sives at Henkel. ”When the op­por­tu­ni­ty came to work with Dow to bring to life this sus­tain­able so­lu­tion, we saw it as a chance and a re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to­wards the New AFFIN­I­TY™ RE is one of the first bio-based high-performance poly­olefin elas­tomers on the mar­ket in­dus­try and con­sumers to of­fer the best qual­i­ty ad­he­sive for their pack­ag­ing with the low­est en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact through our new Tech­nomelt SUPRA ECO range.”

The AFFIN­I­TY™ RE range con­sists of three grades with 100% bio-based con­tent on a mass bal­ance ba­sis to op­ti­mize the car­bon foot­print of hot melt ad­he­sives.

Dow op­er­ates 106 man­u­fac­tur­ing sites in 31 coun­tries and em­ploys ap­prox­i­mate­ly 35,700 peo­ple. Dow de­liv­ered sales of ap­prox­i­mate­ly $39 bil­lion in 2020.

Henkel op­er­ates glob­al­ly with a well-balanced and di­ver­si­fied port­fo­lio. In 2019, Henkel re­port­ed sales of more than 20 bil­lion eu­ros and ad­just­ed op­er­at­ing prof­it of more than 3.2 bil­lion eu­ros. Henkel em­ploys more than 52,000 peo­ple glob­al­ly.


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