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BASF expanded its Ultrason® P portfolio

18. März 2021

Quelle: BASF

BASF has now ex­pand­ed its Ul­tra­son® P port­fo­lio so that it can be used to man­u­fac­ture high-quality bot­tles by all three pro­cess­ing meth­ods that are stan­dard in the in­dus­try. The two polyphenyl­sul­phone (PPSU) grades Ul­tra­son® P 2010 and P 3010 can be used in in­jec­tion stretch blow mold­ing, ex­tru­sion blow mold­ing and in­jec­tion mold­ing to man­u­fac­ture bot­tles for adults and ba­bies that are safe to use, ro­bust and chem­i­cal­ly re­sis­tant as well as avail­able in nu­mer­ous de­signs, shapes and col­ors.

All three pro­cess­ing meth­ods ben­e­fit from the cus­tomized prop­er­ties of the high-temperature ther­mo­plas­tic: It con­tains no harm­ful sub­stances, is ap­proved for food con­tact and has out­stand­ing strength, chem­i­cal re­sis­tance and long-term high-temperature sta­bil­i­ty up to 180°C. Bot­tles made from the trans­par­ent, slight­ly hon­ey-colored BASF polyphenyl­sul­phone can eas­i­ly with­stand ster­il­iza­tion in a mi­crowave or in very hot wa­ter – re­gard­less of the method used to man­u­fac­ture them.

“The pro­duc­tion of high-quality, safe and styl­ish bot­tles for adults and ba­bies presents a chal­lenge that can­not be com­pared to that of con­ven­tion­al PET, PP or co-polyester bot­tles,” says Georg Gräs­sel from BASF’s glob­al busi­ness de­vel­op­ment Ul­tra­son®. “The glob­al­ly wide­spread pro­cess­ing meth­ods all have their own spe­cif­ic re­quire­ments of the ma­te­r­i­al used – and this is where Ul­tra­son® P has proven its val­ue to cus­tomers in many dif­fer­ent coun­tries. They can choose the most suit­able ma­te­r­i­al from our port­fo­lio and can also ben­e­fit from our on-site tech­ni­cal ap­pli­ca­tion sup­port and the glob­al avail­abil­i­ty of the dif­fer­ent grades.”

Dur­ing ex­tru­sion blow mold­ing, the plas­tic melt is ex­trud­ed from top to bot­tom through a cir­cu­lar die to form a tube-shaped pari­son. In­ter­nal pres­sure is then used to in­flate the pari­son with­in a mold thus giv­ing the part its shape. The medi­um- vis­cos­i­ty Ul­tra­son® P 3010 is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for this process due to its in­her­ent high melt strength in con­trast to oth­er PPSU ma­te­ri­als on the mar­ket. This al­lows the hot, elon­gat­ed pari­son to re­main sta­ble even near the die, en­sur­ing uni­form blow mold­ing. For com­plex geome­tries with dif­fer­ent wall thick­ness­es and de­signs, a pro­grammed pari­son con­trol can be used. This pre­vents elon­ga­tion of the pari­son caused by the pari­son’s weight and re­sults in uni­form wall thick­ness­es over the com­plete length of the bot­tle.

When in­jec­tion mold­ing is used, the bot­tle body can be in­jec­tion mold­ed with or with­out a cap thread and base, which pro­vides great flex­i­bil­i­ty when it comes to the bot­tle de­sign or the method used to vent baby bot­tles. To­day, the man­u­fac­tur­ing with sin­gle and mul­ti-cavity molds in com­bi­na­tion with an up­stream hot run­ner sys­tem is state of the art. The high-flow, low-viscosity Ul­tra­son® P 2010 is par­tic­u­lar­ly well suit­ed for this, as it makes thin walls pos­si­ble even when there are long flow paths – with­out com­pro­mis­ing the im­pact or chem­i­cal re­sis­tance.

Ul­tra­son® is the trade name for BASF’s prod­uct range of poly­ether­sul­fone (Ul­tra­son® E), poly­sul­fone (Ul­tra­son® S) and polyphenyl­sul­fone (Ul­tra­son® P). The high- per­for­mance ma­te­r­i­al is used to man­u­fac­ture light­weight com­po­nents in the elec­tron­ics, au­to­mo­tive and aero­space in­dus­tries as well as in wa­ter fil­tra­tion mem­branes and in parts that come into con­tact with hot wa­ter and food. Be­cause of their ex­tra­or­di­nary prop­er­ty pro­file the Ul­tra­son® brands can sub­sti­tute ther­mosets, met­als and ce­ram­ics in many ap­pli­ca­tions.

With more than 110,000 em­ploy­ees, the BASF Group gen­er­at­ed sales of €59 bil­lion in 2020, in­clud­ing the Per­for­mance Ma­te­ri­als di­vi­sion achiev­ing glob­al sales of €5.63 bil­lion.


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