Informations from the Packaging Industry

How the NOVAFOIL 106 integrates seamlessly into the production process of Offsetdruckerei in Schwarzach, Austria

Ultimate quality and productivity in hot foil stamping

20. Dezember 2022

Johannes Knapp: “We use the NOVAFOIL 106 for long runs with boxes which have large surfaces that need to be embellished. It gives us very high productivity with impressive finishing quality.”

Quelle: BOBST

Off­set­druck­erei Schwarzach is an off­set print­ing com­pa­ny known through­out Eu­rope for the finest qual­i­ty high-end pack­ag­ing for pre­mi­um choco­lates, cos­met­ics and oth­er prod­ucts. This made it the ide­al lo­ca­tion to beta test the NO­VAFOIL 106 hot foil stamp­ing ma­chine from BOB­ST.

"We use the NO­VAFOIL 106 for long runs with box­es which have large sur­faces that need to be em­bell­ished. The ma­chine gives us very high pro­duc­tiv­i­ty with im­pres­sive fin­ished prod­uct qual­i­ty,” the com­pa­ny’s CEO Jo­hannes Knapp says, as he sums up the com­pa­ny’s ex­pe­ri­ence with the new BOB­ST hot foil stamp­ing ma­chine.

He thinks the new­ly de­vel­oped plat­en press is the high­light of the ma­chine. With this, BOB­ST has in­creased the dwell time be­tween the die with the foil and the sheets. The longer dwell time com­bined with an even tem­per­a­ture and a high­er pres­sure per­fect­ly en­hance the high qual­i­ty of the em­bell­ish­ment. This ap­plies to del­i­cate fin­ish­es as well as large-area em­bell­ish­ments.

Extremely stable sheet travel

“We’d been hop­ing that the in­no­v­a­tive tech­nol­o­gy in the NO­VAFOIL 106 would help us in­crease hourly out­put in hot foil stamp­ing. That’s ex­act­ly what hap­pened. De­pend­ing on the com­plex­i­ty of the fin­ish, the ma­chine eas­i­ly op­er­ates at speeds of up to 8,000 sheets per hour for large runs,” says Knapp.

At all speeds, the sheets trav­el through the ma­chine with ab­solute sta­bil­i­ty. To make that pos­si­ble, BOB­ST adapt­ed the grip­per bar ad­vance sys­tem of the NO­VAFOIL 106 to en­sure out­stand­ing­ly even sheet trav­el with op­ti­mal sheet de­lay. In ad­di­tion, the lat­est-generation feed­er en­sures con­stant sheet feed­ing and the high­est reg­is­ter pre­ci­sion. For em­boss­ing, de­boss­ing or hot foil stamp­ing, sta­ble sheet trav­el is also a key fac­tor in flaw­less qual­i­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

Significant foil economies with cross-foil

Johannes Knapp shows how easy it is to use the NOVAFOIL 106 through the SPHERE human-machine interface.

Quelle: BOBST

The NO­VAFOIL 106 is the first hot foil stam­per from BOB­ST that can ap­ply foil in both di­rec­tions: in­line and across the sheet run­ning di­rec­tion. The ma­chine con­fig­u­ra­tion al­lows hot foil stamp­ing with up to eight reels for line and four reels for cross-foiling. This al­lows pro­duc­tion of high­ly so­phis­ti­cat­ed pack­ag­ing de­signs in a sin­gle ma­chine run. The NO­VAFOIL 106 at the Schwarzach fa­cil­i­ty is equipped with all 12 foil reels.

Jo­hannes Knapp says: “With the new hot foil stamp­ing ma­chine, we can run dif­fer­ent col­ors in­line and cross-foil. More­over, the eight in­line foil reels give us flex­i­ble op­tions for op­ti­miz­ing the foil ad­vance. On cer­tain jobs, the use of cross foil­ing helps us to fur­ther op­ti­mize the foil ad­vance and re­duce foil con­sump­tion even more. De­pend­ing on the job, we may have 30% to 40% low­er foil con­sump­tion than be­fore.” This is not only cost-efficient but sup­ports the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of the pack­ag­ing and the process.

Off­set­druck­erei Schwarzach also achieves these sav­ings by us­ing the OACS sys­tem (Op­ti­mal Ad­vance Com­put­er Sys­tem) which au­to­mat­i­cal­ly cal­cu­lates the ide­al foil ad­vance. BOB­ST has in­clud­ed this sys­tem as an op­tion on the NO­VAFOIL 106. “The cal­cu­la­tions are flaw­less. So far, there’s been no com­plaint that too much or too lit­tle foil was pro­vid­ed,” Knapp af­firms.

The high­er pro­duc­tion speed also al­lows more sheets to be processed with the same en­er­gy con­sump­tion. “Cal­cu­lat­ed at 1,000 sheets, this ma­chine uses 20% less elec­tric­i­ty. This is an­oth­er way in which it sup­ports our sus­tain­abil­i­ty strat­e­gy,” Knapp ex­plains.

Ergonomics and user-friendliness

A spe­cial­ly de­vel­oped lift sys­tem for heavy foil reels fa­cil­i­tates the work of ma­chine op­er­a­tors, as they do not have to lift the reels into the ma­chine. With this, and the high lev­el of au­toma­tion as­so­ci­at­ed with the NO­VAFOIL 106 – for ex­am­ple with the semi-automatic foil reel change – set­up and changeover times have been short­ened.

The op­er­a­tors like work­ing with the new ma­chine. The SPHERE hu­man-machine in­ter­face pro­vides easy, in­tu­itive nav­i­ga­tion through the func­tion­al­i­ties. Re­peat or­ders are up au­to­mat­i­cal­ly. Er­gonom­ics and user-friendliness al­low easy ac­cess to all func­tions and set­tings, in­clud­ing the plat­en sec­tion. For qual­i­ty con­trol, op­er­a­tors can safe­ly and eas­i­ly re­move sam­ples from the ma­chine with­out stop­ping it.

One-of-a-kind flexibility

In their meet­ing room, Off­set­druck­erei Schwarzach dis­plays a range of pack­ag­ing they have pro­duced for their cus­tomers. Most of them were en­hanced with hot foil stamp­ing, some prelam­i­nat­ed, blind and struc­tural­ly em­bossed, and laser cut. The com­pa­ny em­bell­ish­es a great num­ber of pack­ag­ing with two films, and some even with three films.

Knapp says: “Of course, from an eco­nom­ic point of view, we also need mass pro­duc­tion busi­ness — which re­quires tech­nol­o­gy that al­lows the high­est qual­i­ty and ef­fi­cien­cy. Even in that re­gard, the NO­VAFOIL 106 fits seam­less­ly into our process.” The same goes for the ma­chine’s 1,060 x 760 mm sheet for­mat, which the pack­ag­ing man­u­fac­tur­er also prints and cuts. They gen­er­al­ly use the NO­VAFOIL 106 to process sol­id card­board in weights of 300 to 400 g/m2. That in­cludes re­cy­cled card­board.

“The lat­est tech­nol­o­gy, such as the NO­VAFOIL 106, al­lows us to run our cus­tomers’ or­ders at more com­pet­i­tive prices,” ex­plains Knapp, show­ing the in­vest­ment from an­oth­er an­gle. The fact that the new hot foil stam­per al­ready runs in two to three shifts also shows that the in­vest­ment was need­ed.

“We will con­nect one of the BOB­ST ma­chines to BOB­ST Con­nect to ex­plore what ad­di­tion­al pos­si­bil­i­ties this cloud-based plat­form of­fers for fur­ther op­ti­miz­ing our process­es,” pre­dicts Knapp. With its vi­sion for the in­dus­try built around dig­i­ti­za­tion, au­toma­tion, con­nec­tiv­i­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty, BOB­ST has once again shown its ori­en­ta­tion to­ward the fu­ture.

To­day’s off­set print­er Off­set­druck­erei Schwarzach GmbH start­ed in 1913 as the Vo­rarl­berg­er book print­ing com­pa­ny in Dorn­birn, Aus­tria. Now head­quar­tered in Schwarzach, Aus­tria, the com­pa­ny has more than 50,000 m2 ded­i­cat­ed to pro­duc­tion and 400 em­ploy­ees. They ex­port more than 75% of their pro­duc­tion — im­pres­sive high-end pack­ag­ing of sol­id card­board — large­ly to cus­tomers with­in a 500 km ra­dius. The com­pa­ny fo­cus­es on the con­fec­tionery and dairy in­dus­tries, along with a broad range of cus­tomers in the non-food sec­tor, such as cos­met­ics, health­care and pa­per la­bels.

Found­ed in 1890 by Joseph Bob­st in Lau­sanne, Switzer­land, BOB­ST has a pres­ence in more than 50 coun­tries, runs 19 pro­duc­tion fa­cil­i­ties in 11 coun­tries and em­ploys more than 5 800 peo­ple around the world. The firm record­ed a con­sol­i­dat­ed turnover of CHF 1.563 bil­lion for the year end­ed De­cem­ber 31, 2021.


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