Informations from the Packaging Industry

Bio-based stretch films address increasing demand for renewable plastics

Dow and Doxa Plast join forces to deliver stretch films made with renewable resources

Dow and stretch film man­u­fac­tur­er Doxa Plast to­geth­er an­nounce the com­mer­cial­iza­tion of a fam­i­ly of bio-based high-performance stretch films aimed at ad­dress­ing the in­creas­ing de­mand for more sus­tain­able so­lu­tions that use al­ter­na­tive re­new­able feed­stocks help­ing to re­duce car­bon foot­print. Re­born, the new range of stretch films by Doxa Plast, in­te­grates ...

Combining innovation expertise

BOBST and CITO-SYSTEM announce strategic investment

Bob­st Group SA, Mex/Switzerland (“Bob­st Group” or “BOB­ST”) con­firms a strate­gic in­vest­ment in CITO-SYSTEM GmbH, Schwaig/Germany (“CITO-SYSTEM” or “Com­pa­ny”) that lever­ages the strengths of both com­pa­nies to dri­ve in­no­va­tion in tool­ing and in pack­ag­ing pro­duc­tion world­wide. On 8 April, 2020, BOB­ST ac­quired a ma­jor­i­ty par­tic­i­pa­tion of 51% in CITO-SYSTEM, while ...


Smurfit Kappa equips Fée Nature with a fully automatic filling machine

Smur­fit Kap­pa, an ex­pert in com­plete Bag-in-Box® pack­ag­ing so­lu­tions, has an­nounced its col­lab­o­ra­tion with Fée Na­ture, a young French com­pa­ny pro­duc­ing birch sap. Smur­fit Kap­pa will equip the start-up com­pa­ny with fill­ing and Bag-in-Box® tech­nolo­gies. To in­crease the pro­duc­tion ca­pac­i­ty and fol­low the growth, Fée Na­ture has in­vest­ed in a ...

Sunil Gupta follows Len Lauer as CEO

Unexpected Death of Memjet CEO Len Lauer

On April 13, Len Lauer, CEO of Mem­jet, passed away un­ex­pect­ed­ly at his home in La Jol­la, Cal­i­for­nia. He was 62 years old. Lauer was named the CEO of Mem­jet in 2010 and as­sumed the role of Chair­man in 2012. Lauer was born and raised in Spring­field, Mass­a­chu­setts, and re­ceived ...

7th drupa Global Trends Report

Global print industry faces economic and environmental challenges

The 7th dru­pa Glob­al Trends Re­port will be pub­lished in April 2020. The re­sults, from a sur­vey con­duct­ed be­fore the out­break of the coro­na virus and the post­pone­ment of dru­pa to April 2021, show a glob­al in­dus­try that re­mained pos­i­tive but re­flect­ed more chal­leng­ing glob­al eco­nom­ic con­di­tions. Pack­ag­ing and Func­tion­al ...

An insight into the Bobst industry vision

The backbone of packaging production

„The pack­ag­ing busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty is deal­ing with the un­prece­dent­ed Coro­n­avirus (COVID-19) sit­u­a­tion with both ur­gency and a deep sense of care. It will come to an end. With many peo­ple work­ing from home, we want to pro­vide con­tent about the equip­ment, sys­tems and process­es that we were due to show­case ...

First full-featured HERMA 500 label applicator

Non-stop high speed

With mo­tor­ized winders and a loop unit, the new HER­MA 500 ap­plies up to 2,000 la­bels a minute, syn­chro­nized with the prod­uct speed. For con­tin­u­ous duty, the op­tion­al ac­tive cool­ing unit main­tains top per­for­mance with un­ri­valled pre­ci­sion and sta­bil­i­ty. HER­MA is set­ting the lat­est bench­mark for ap­pli­ca­tors as re­gards per­for­mance, ...

Supply Chain Risk Management

Coronavirus Outbreak Reveals the Weakest Links in the Supply Chain – The Supplier’s Supplier

For many firms, the outbreak of COVID-19 has meant staff working from home and more use of teleconferencing rather than face to face meetings. However, it’s a different situation for manufacturers because, despite investments in automation, reducing the need for staff on assembly lines, they still need to receive raw ...

Label for biodegradability

Clariant Masterbatches earn ‘OK’ certification for home and industrial composting

Clariant color and additive masterbatches made in five plants in Europe and Asia have been awarded OK compost HOME and OK compost INDUSTRIAL labels by the TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium NV testing company. The certification means that the masterbatch ingredients, including the polymer carrier, will not compromise the biodegradability of the ...

Efficient Use Of Resources

Corrugated: Circular by nature

FE­F­CO wel­comes the new Cir­cu­lar Econ­o­my Ac­tion Plan pub­lished by the Com­mis­sion on March 11. The cir­cu­lar econ­o­my is vi­tal for achiev­ing the Green Deal am­bi­tion for cli­mate neu­tral­i­ty, pre­serv­ing nat­ur­al re­sources and sup­port­ing the com­pet­i­tive­ness of the Eu­ro­pean econ­o­my. The sus­tain­able prod­uct pol­i­cy frame­work could be a real dri­ver ...

AR Packaging drives sustainable innovation and targets

Major shift to dry molded fibre packaging together with PulPac

AR Packaging informs to aim to be first on the market with commercially viable plastic free trays and cutlery for the food, on-the-go and food service sectors. The group looks to contribute to innovative process developments of fully fibre based solutions and therefore has joined the PulPac Technology Pool and ...

On the way to recyclable plastic packaging

Pioneering new high barrier mono-materials laminates

Noth­ing per­haps de­fines the con­sumer-driven so­ci­ety of re­cent decades bet­ter than plas­tic. Its growth in pro­duc­tion since the 1950s – large­ly dri­ven by pack­ag­ing – has been ex­tra­or­di­nary. About a stag­ger­ing 300 mil­lion tons of it is pro­duced each year. And it is known that the qual­i­ties that make plas­tic ...

AR Packaging expanding

AR Packaging completes acquisitions of rlc packaging group and Nampak Cartons Nigeria

Fol­lo­wi­ng cu­sto­ma­ry clo­sing con­di­ti­ons and lo­cal re­gu­la­to­ry ap­pro­vals, AR Packa­ging an­noun­ces the com­ple­ti­on of the ac­qui­si­ti­on of rlc packa­ging group, in­clu­ding in­di­rect­ly a si­gni­fi­cant sha­re in BSC Dru­kar­nia Opa­ko­wa S.A., and Nam­pak Car­tons Ni­ge­ria Li­mi­ted. Through the­se ac­qui­si­ti­ons, AR Packa­ging con­ti­nues its suc­cess­ful grow­th de­ve­lop­ment in line with the stra­te­gic ...

Additional "Best Dressed Wine" award this year

Smurfit Kappa supports prestigious international wine contest

Smur­fit Kap­pa Bag-in-Box and Vi­top, ex­perts in com­pre­hen­sive Bag-in-Box® pack­ag­ing so­lu­tions, are of­fi­cial spon­sors of the Con­cours In­ter­na­tion­al ‘Best Wine in Box’ con­test once again this year. Smur­fit Kap­pa Bag-in-Box has sup­port­ed the pres­ti­gious wine con­test since it be­gan in 2015 when a strate­gic part­ner­ship was born. The in­no­v­a­tive con­cept ...

Pack Expo 2019 Las Vegas

Schubert presented the lightline Flowpacker

The Pack Expo is North America’s largest packaging & processing industry trade show. Its venue switches yearly from Chicago to Las Vegas to ideally serve all regions across the continent. “The show is always an ideal event to connect within the industry, exchange best practice knowledge and to set new ...

International forum dedicated to sustainable packaging

Ucima and FICO Foundation organize Packaging Speaks Green forum

Uci­ma (Ital­ian Pack­ag­ing Ma­chin­ery Man­u­fac­tur­ers' As­so­ci­a­tion) and FICO Foun­da­tion or­ga­nize Pack­ag­ing Speaks Green, an in­ter­na­tion­al fo­rum ded­i­cat­ed to the de­vel­op­ment of sus­tain­abil­i­ty and to the cir­cu­lar econ­o­my in the pack­ag­ing sec­tor. The event is sched­uled for 20 and 21 Feb­ru­ary 2020 in Bologna: pack­ag­ings­peaks­ An event fo­cus on glob­al trends ...

Cooperation with Interseroh

Innovia’s New Strata Film Awarded ‘Made For Recycling’ Quality Seal

In­novia Films has worked with In­ter­seroh, an In­de­pen­dent Ger­man re­cy­cling and con­sult­ing com­pa­ny, to have their new­ly launched high bar­ri­er BOPP Propafilm™ Stra­ta SL film eval­u­at­ed. We are de­light­ed that the film has been award­ed a ‘very good’ rat­ing and has been award­ed the ‘Made for re­cy­cling’ logo. In­ter­seroh analyse ...

Stora Enso

Organisational changes planed

Stora Enso plans to make organisational changes in the Paper division following the Oulu Mill conversion at the end of 2020. The planned changes could result in a reduction of a maximum of 135 employees in the Paper division. Stora Enso’s Paper division is planning to make organisational changes to ...

Inline solution for brand owners and consumer goods manufacturers

Late Stage Customization for erected cartons

Matching supply and demand in near real-time is the ultimate challenge for brand owners and consumer goods manufacturers – and Late Stage Customization is a key answer to that problem. It enables users to be very fast and agile in designing packaging – for instance for event-related or seasonal marketing ...

Modularity as core competence

Schubert presents new lightline Flowpacker at the Pack Expo 2019

Dur­ing the Pack Expo show in Las Ve­gas, the Schu­bert Group will be ex­hibit­ing its new light­line Flow­pack­er – show­cas­ing its proven ded­i­ca­tion to in­no­va­tion. The ma­chine on ex­hib­it com­bines a Flow­pack­er and a Pick­er­line in a sin­gle sys­tem and fea­tures Schu­bert’s patent­ed, state-of-the art seal­ing tech­nol­o­gy for pack­ag­ing heat-sensitive ...