Informations from the Packaging Industry

bio-based feedstock

Sustainable hot melt adhesives from Dow and Henkel

Dow Pack­ag­ing and Spe­cial­ty Plas­tics, a busi­ness di­vi­sion of Dow, an­nounces the ex­pan­sion of its high-performance AFFIN­I­TY™ GA poly­olefin elas­tomers (POE) with the launch of bio-based AFFIN­I­TY™ RE. This so­lu­tion has en­abled Dow cus­tomer Henkel’s Tech­nomelt SUPRA ECO line to achieve an­oth­er mile­stone in both com­pa­nies’ sus­tain­abil­i­ty goals. Cli­mate change ...

Cooperation with Cubicc

Scallog expands to Brazil

Af­ter ex­pand­ing from Eu­rope to the US, Scal­log now heads for Brasil. As an im­por­tant pil­lar to its in­ter­na­tion­al de­vel­op­ment, Scal­log, one of France’s fore­most sup­pli­ers of lo­gis­tics ro­bots, has formed a com­mer­cial part­ner­ship with Brazil­ian com­pa­ny Cu­bicc, a lead­ing in­te­gra­tor in pick­ing and pack­ing so­lu­tions. Cu­bicc will mar­ket the ...

Expanding packaging solutions for pharmaceutical applications

ProMach Acquires Serpa Packaging

Pro­Mach, a world­wide leader in pack­ag­ing ma­chin­ery so­lu­tions, an­nounced that it has ac­quired Ser­pa Pack­ag­ing So­lu­tions, a lead­ing provider of car­ton­ing and end of line pack­ag­ing sys­tems for the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, med­ical de­vice, nu­traceu­ti­cal, food, cos­met­ics, and per­son­al care mar­kets. The ad­di­tion of Ser­pa brings au­to­mat­ed car­ton­ing sys­tems into Pro­Mach’s port­fo­lio ...

Demonstration Capabilities Expanded

BOBST opens a Digital Inkjet Demonstration Center in Barcelona

BOB­ST has ex­pand­ed its demon­stra­tion ca­pa­bil­i­ties with a ded­i­cat­ed demon­stra­tion cen­ter out­side of Switzer­land. The new Demon­stra­tion Cen­ter in Barcelona will pro­vide a unique op­por­tu­ni­ty for con­vert­ers and brand own­ers to come and see the Mou­vent™ Clus­ter Tech­nol­o­gy for them­selves, open­ing a new chap­ter in la­bel pro­duc­tion. BOB­ST did not ...

New Business Unit for Consolidation

SACMI RigidPackagingTechnologies B.U. established

In Jan­u­ary 2021 the SAC­MI Rigid­Pack­ag­ingTech­nolo­gies Busi­ness Unit brought all SAC­MI so­lu­tions con­cern­ing rigid pack­ag­ing un­der one roof to en­hance the com­pa­ny’s nu­mer­ous mar­ket-leading tech­no­log­i­cal plus-points and keep pace with the in­dus­try’s ac­cel­er­at­ing fo­cus on sus­tain­abil­i­ty, ver­sa­til­i­ty and per­for­mance. “SAC­MI has al­ways stood out” high­lights the Gen­er­al Man­ag­er of the ...

Eleni Despotou to follow Angelika Christ

FEFCO welcomes new Secretary General

FE­F­CO an­nounce the ap­point­ment of Eleni Despo­tou as the new Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al by the Board of Di­rec­tors. Eleni will start her po­si­tion on 1st Feb­ru­ary 2021. An­ge­li­ka Christ, FE­F­CO Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al since 2007, will re­tire. Eleni has an in-depth knowl­edge of the Eu­ro­pean Union In­sti­tu­tions and In­dus­try As­so­ci­a­tions with a ...

Brückner’s solutions for new and used equipment

BOPP and BOPE Inline Coating: Perfect barrier, improved recyclability

Dri­ven by the dis­cus­sions about re­cy­cling tar­gets for plas­tic pack­ag­ing, mono-material pack­ag­ing struc­tures are re­ceiv­ing more and more in­ter­est: for ex­am­ple, bi­ax­i­al­ly ori­ent­ed polypropy­lene (BOPP) or poly­eth­yl­ene (BOPE) films. Rea­sons for this are a bet­ter sorta­bil­i­ty of the pack­ag­ing and an im­proved qual­i­ty of re­cy­cling ma­te­ri­als. With mono-material struc­tures the ...

Nuova Erreplast chooses BOBST as new flexo technology partner

Long-established Nuo­va Er­re­plast has in­stalled a 10-color BOB­ST EX­PERT CI flexo press as the Ital­ian flex­i­ble pack­ag­ing spe­cial­ist looks to ex­pand pro­duc­tion ca­pac­i­ty and in­crease pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. This is a new part­ner­ship that reaf­firms the mar­ket’s trust in BOB­ST as an in­no­va­tion and tech­nol­o­gy pi­o­neer. The flex­i­ble pack­ag­ing mar­ket is a ...

Healthcare sector acquisition

AR Packaging acquires Kroha GmbH

The growth of AR Pack­ag­ing con­tin­ues with the ac­qui­si­tion of Ger­man based Kro­ha GmbH, a spe­cial­ist in fold­ing car­ton pack­ag­ing for phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals. This strate­gic move fur­ther strength­ens the Group’s lead­ing po­si­tion and ca­pa­bil­i­ties to ser­vice both mid-sized and large cus­tomers in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try. AR Pack­ag­ing’s strate­gic di­rec­tion for growth ...

CCL Industries Inc. announced plans for a strategic new capacity investment

Investment of approx. € 23 million in new EcoFloat™ extrusion line at Innovia Films in Poland

CCL In­dus­tries Inc. (“CCL”) an­nounces plans for a strate­gic new ca­pac­i­ty in­vest­ment at their In­novia Films ex­tru­sion site in Plock, Poland. A new six-metre mul­ti-layer co-extrusion line will be in­stalled to pro­duce EcoFloat™ shrink sleeve ma­te­r­i­al. This hy­brid poly­olefin film fa­cil­i­tates easy sep­a­ra­tion of la­bels from PET bot­tles and oth­er ...

Strengthen compatibility of lines and glass containers

O-I Glass and Krones AG sign Collaboration Agreement

O-I Glass, Inc. and Ger­many’s Kro­nes AG signed a strate­gic col­lab­o­ra­tion agree­ment that aims to el­e­vate glass by in­no­vat­ing to­geth­er and to joint­ly cre­ate so­lu­tions for the grow­ing glass mar­ket. “For O-I, glass is the pre­ferred pack­ag­ing so­lu­tion in a world that in­creas­ing­ly val­ues health, pre­mi­um prod­ucts and the en­vi­ron­ment. ...

Compact and fast

BOBST launches a new gravure printing press for flexible materials

BOB­ST an­nounces the launch the EX­PERT RS 6003, a new gen­er­a­tion gravure print­ing press, which will en­able gravure con­vert­ers to tack­le to­day’s mar­ket chal­lenges. “Tech­nol­o­gy di­rect­ed to bring­ing equip­ment and process per­for­mance al­ways a step for­ward to the mar­ket cur­rent and fu­ture re­quire­ments is al­ways on the move at BOB­ST” ...

Manual ink dispenser

Traceability for small-scale label printing operations

GSE has in­tro­duced a com­pact, man­u­al ink dis­penser for fast ac­cu­rate and ef­fi­cient colour prepa­ra­tion, help­ing small la­bel or pack­ag­ing print­ing en­ter­pris­es to re­duce ink-related costs, achieve con­sis­tent colour qual­i­ty and pro­vide trace­abil­i­ty of ink in the sup­ply chain. The Col­or­sat FCS (For­mu­la Check­weigh Sys­tem), fea­tur­ing GSE Ink man­ag­er soft­ware, ...

Achieve™ Advanced Polypropylene for high volume applications

ExxonMobil introduces new foamable Advanced Polypropylene

Exxon­Mo­bil has in­tro­duced new foam­able Achieve™ Ad­vanced PP6302E1, an eas­i­ly and af­ford­ably processed sus­tain­able so­lu­tion for high vol­ume ap­pli­ca­tions, in­clud­ing food and bev­er­age pack­ag­ing and in­dus­tri­al pack­ag­ing. This new high melt strength (HMS) grade im­proves prod­uct stiff­ness by up to 30 per­cent, com­pared to stan­dard HMS PP foam, for sig­nif­i­cant ...

Virtual Panel with Politico

FEFCO “unboxes” the future of sustainable Corrugated Cardboard

On 6th July 2020, FE­F­CO co-hosted a vir­tu­al pan­el with Politi­co “Un­wrap­ping the fu­ture of sus­tain­able pack­ag­ing?” was the theme of the de­bate which at­tract­ed an out­stand­ing num­ber of 2700 unique view­ers, demon­strat­ing that the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of pack­ag­ing is an is­sue of great in­ter­est. Among the event’s pan­el­lists were Jo­han­na ...

Reduction of PE-coated cartonboards

New barrier solution from AR Packaging helps Bel Group to eliminate plastics

In the quest to min­imise the use of plas­tics and yet pro­vide op­ti­mal prod­uct pro­tec­tion and per­for­mance, AR Pack­ag­ing has de­vel­oped Safeboard®, a plas­tic free pack­ag­ing, which is now used by Bel Group for its Boursin cheese range. As part of the process to re­duce its en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact, Bel Group ...

Solutions from a single source

Boucherie Borghi and ILLIG Bundle their Expertise as System Providers

The Bel­gian group Boucherie Borghi and IL­LIG are pleased to an­nounce a close part­ner­ship. The co­op­er­a­tion of both com­pa­nies will strength­en the man­u­fac­tur­ing and pack­ag­ing of prod­ucts in the fields of "Oral Care", "Med­ical Care" and "Per­son­al Care". The Boucherie Borghi Group of­fers nu­mer­ous so­lu­tions for the pro­duc­tion of tooth­brush­es, ...

Fady Gemayel becomes new FEFCO President

On 27 May 2020, Fady Gemayel, co-owner & Hon­orary Chair­man at “Gemayel Fr­eres S.A.L.”, a fam­i­ly owned cor­ru­gat­ed card­board com­pa­ny, was elect­ed FE­F­CO Pres­i­dent for a two-year term. He is suc­ceed­ing Dr. Jan Klin­gele (Man­ag­ing Part­ner, Klin­gele Pa­pier­w­erke) who has been in duty for four years and will now act ...

B2B marketplace for renewable packaging

Stora Enso launches marketplace platform Box Inc

Sto­ra Enso in­tro­duces Box Inc, a dig­i­tal B2B mar­ket­place for cor­ru­gat­ed pack­ag­ing made of re­new­able ma­te­ri­als. Box Inc is a new plat­form busi­ness de­signed to help com­pa­nies source pack­ag­ing eas­i­ly on­line, while en­abling sup­pli­ers to ac­cess new cus­tomers with­out hav­ing to cre­ate their own dig­i­tal pres­ence. “Box Inc dig­i­talis­es the ...

Virtualisation of the customer experience

Bobst is reducing its presence at industry tradeshows

Smart Fac­to­ries, Tech­nol­o­gy Lounges and Cus­tomer Ref­er­ence Sites are set as the pre­ferred en­gage­ment mod­el with clients: A new strat­e­gy to sup­port the Bob­st vi­sion to shape the fu­ture of the pack­ag­ing world, which re­flects val­ues and re­spon­si­bil­i­ties of the com­pa­ny. The num­ber of in­dus­try events and tradeshows has in­creased ...