Informations from the Packaging Industry

Windmöller & Hölscher application systems

Reduced glue consumption in the Paper Sack Production with Digital Pasting

Pack­ag­ing spe­cial­ist dy-pack has re­duced its glue con­sump­tion in pa­per valve sack pro­duc­tion by up to 30 per­cent with the dig­i­tal glue ap­pli­ca­tion sys­tem from Wind­möller & Hölsch­er. Dig­i­tal Past­ing is part of the AM 8115 DP and AM 8135 tu­bers as well as the AD 8330 and AD 8370 ...

A healthy batch of safety

Case study: beumer stretch hood to protect organic products

Dav­ert GmbH spe­cialis­es in or­gan­ic foods and stands for the con­tin­u­ous fur­ther de­vel­op­ment of pro­cess­ing meth­ods and care­ful mon­i­tor­ing of these prod­ucts, from cul­ti­va­tion to pack­ag­ing. And this is where BEUMER Group comes in. The fin­ished, high qual­i­ty or­gan­ic prod­ucts like rice, legumes and ce­re­al prod­ucts like sug­ar, dried fruit, ...

Digital Enhancements

Esko and Scodix collaborating

Esko and Scodix an­nounce a col­lab­o­ra­tion to in­clude Scodix pack­ag­ing en­hance­ment ap­pli­ca­tions with­in the Esko Stu­dio suite in­clud­ing, Scodix Foil™, Scodix Em­bossed Foil™, Scodix Sense™ for UV em­boss­ing and Scodix Spot™ for var­nish ap­pli­ca­tions. Scodix press­es bring dig­i­tal en­hance­ments to print­ed ma­te­ri­als for both com­mer­cial print and fold­ing car­ton in ...

Krones strengthens Process Technology with acquisition in China

Kro­nes has ac­quired the busi­ness op­er­a­tions and as­sets of Shang­hai Xi­antong Equip­ment In­stal­la­tion ef­fec­tive 1 Sep­tem­ber 2018. The Chi­nese com­pa­ny has been a part­ner and sup­pli­er to Kro­nes in the field of process tech­nol­o­gy for many years. Kro­nes Taicang has part­nered suc­cess­ful­ly with Xi­antong on the pro­duc­tion, in­stal­la­tion, and com­mis­sion­ing ...

Elegant 5-piece spray cap

Weener Plastics’ attractive spray cap for new Nivea deodorant packaging

Ween­er Plas­tics (WP) was cho­sen to de­sign, de­vel­op and man­u­fac­ture the new twist-lock spray cap, in­clud­ing de­vel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing of the tool­ing for new Nivea de­do­rant pack­ag­ing. In the body care range, NIVEA de­odor­ants are true clas­sics. They are de­signed to meet dif­fer­ent con­sumer needs, al­ways pro­vid­ing su­pe­ri­or pro­tec­tion. For ...

Industry urges Commission to avoid shortcuts and to focus on improving waste management

PlasticsEurope reacts on Directive on single use plastics

As Plas­tic­sEu­rope an­nounced it sup­ports the over­ar­ch­ing ob­jec­tive of the “Di­rec­tive of the Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment and of the Coun­cil on the re­duc­tion of the im­pact of cer­tain plas­tic prod­ucts on the en­vi­ron­ment” pre­sent­ed end of May by the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion, name­ly to re­duce ma­rine lit­ter in the seas. Ma­rine lit­ter ...

Sacmi at the Food+BevTec 2018

Craft beer market keeps growing

Sac­mi will be at the USA's key bre­we­ry event to show­ca­se its la­test tech­no­lo­gi­cal de­ve­lop­ments for la­bel­ling, in­spec­ti­on and fil­ling. Ta­king cen­tre-stage will be the La­bel­Check-360, a pre­ci­se, ver­sa­ti­le so­lu­ti­on for to­tal in­spec­ti­on of la­bel­led bott­les In the USA beer bre­wing is worth over 108 bil­li­on dol­lars a year (of ...


Low-maintenance TURBOCLEAN ADVANCED E continues success of system family

Ac­cord­ing to Wind­möller & Hölscher, more than 1,000 ink­ing and wash-up TUR­BO­CLEAN sys­tems have now been in­te­grat­ed in cen­tral cylin­der ma­chines. In 2016, W&H sup­ple­ment­ed the sys­tem with a new vari­ant: TUR­BO­CLEAN AD­VANCED E with low-maintenance elec­tric pumps and around 50 of this units have been sold since the Dru­pa ...

Challenges and opportunities for the beverage industry

SIG Whitepaper: Global society goes mobile

Mo­bil­i­ty is a glob­al mega­trend that af­fects all so­cial and eco­nom­ic spheres. It changes the way peo­ple work, think, com­mu­ni­cate, con­sume and also how they eat and drink. This presents the bev­er­age in­dus­try with new chal­lenges – and opens up new op­por­tu­ni­ties. In a white pa­per, SIG shows how bev­er­age ...

Atlantic Zeiser

DIGILINE Blister for print efficiency and cost economy

In the blis­ter lid foil print­ing seg­ment the num­ber and du­ra­tion of changeovers are be­com­ing ever more crit­i­cal cost fac­tors – es­pe­cial­ly against the back­drop of con­tin­u­ous­ly shrink­ing pro­duc­tion runs. At this year's In­ter­pack (2017) At­lantic Zeis­er is ad­dress­ing this is­sue by show­cas­ing a cost-effective so­lu­tion. DIG­I­LINE Blis­ter ex­e­cutes vari­able ...

ILLIG at Chinaplas 2017

Thermoforming machine for production of liquid-tight containers with lid

At Chi­naplas, Guangzhou, May 16 to 19, IL­LIG will present for the first time the pro­duc­tion of ther­mo­formed liq­uid-tight con­tain­ers with lid. The con­tain­ers are man­u­fac­tured on an au­to­mat­ic pres­sure form­ing ma­chine, type IC-RDK 80, with a 12-up con­tain­er mold out of trans­par­ent PP. IL­LIG de­vel­oped the „take away con­tain­er“ ...

Windmöller & Hölscher

One of the first MIRAFLEX II shipped to New Zealand

In time for the 40 an­niver­sary of the com­pa­ny New Zealand based CON­VEX Plas­tics was one of the first to or­der a new MI­RAFLEX II line in 2016. The new ma­chine is equipped with 8 col­or decks and comes with a large re­peat length of 1130mm and a press speed ...

Sustainability Goal Achieved

SIG Combibloc switches to green electricity

Pro­mote the use of re­new­able re­sources are one of SIG Com­bibloc’s cur­rent en­vi­ron­men­tal and sus­tain­abil­i­ty tar­gets. The man­u­fac­tur­er noe an­nounced that from Jan­u­ary 2017 on­wards, all SIG Com­bibloc sites in Eu­rope, South Amer­i­ca, Chi­na and the Asia-Pacific re­gion will be sup­plied 100 per cent with so-called ‘green elec­tric­i­ty’. In Eu­rope ...

Reorganisation of the Kvarnsveden Mill in Sweden

Stora Enso plans to shut down PM8

Sto­ra Enso will start co-determination ne­go­ti­a­tions with em­ploy­ees at its Kvarnsve­den Mill in Swe­den re­gard­ing a plan to re­or­gan­ise the mill, in­clud­ing a per­ma­nent clo­sure of pa­per ma­chine (PM) 8. The planned ac­tions would af­fect a max­i­mum of 140 em­ploy­ees. The pa­per ma­chine has an an­nu­al ca­pac­i­ty of 100 000 ...

New Coders from Linx

Extended Laser Coding Capabilities

Linx Print­ing Tech­nolo­gies is launch­ing two laser coders that will open up the ben­e­fits of the tech­nol­o­gy to more com­pa­nies and ap­pli­ca­tions. Key ben­e­fits of the new Linx CSL range are even faster print­ing speeds and greater ver­sa­til­i­ty, mak­ing the coders ide­al for a wider va­ri­ety of prod­ucts, along with ...

A competitive advantage for beverage producers

KHS and Schubert collaborate on customised solutions

Ger­hard Schu­bert GmbH and KHS have brought to­geth­er their ex­per­tise in bot­tle pack­ing and com­bined their tech­nolo­gies as part of a col­lab­o­ra­tive ef­fort: the joint­ly de­vel­oped block so­lu­tion de­liv­ers flex­i­bil­i­ty and stands out with a com­pact de­sign. In con­ven­tion­al pro­duc­tion lines for pack­ing bev­er­age bot­tles in bas­kets or clus­ter packs, ...

Integrated solution by Atlantic Zeiser

Digital printing system for Romaco

Mak­ing its début at Al­l4­Pack, for­mer­ly Em­bal­lage, in Paris is At­lantic Zeis­er’s DIG­I­LINE Blis­ter dig­i­tal print­ing sys­tem in com­bi­na­tion with Ro­ma­co’s blis­ter line Noack 960. This new in­te­grat­ed so­lu­tion is show­cas­ing qual­i­ty print­ing of blis­ter foil with vari­able data, es­pe­cial­ly with small and mid-­size batch­es, in an op­er­a­tion achiev­ing en­hanced ...

strong on-shelf impression


A cus­tom-­mould­ed bot­tle from RPC Promens Con­sumer Llantrisant is en­sur­ing that a new range of healthy, pro­bi­ot­ic drinks stands out on-shelf. Lon­don-based Plen­ish is us­ing the 330ml PET bot­tle from RPC to pack all three flavours – Lime Cu­cum­ber, Pineap­ple Gin­ger and Blue­ber­ry Pear – of its or­gan­ic Wa­ter+ range. ...

Increased Capacity

Stora Enso modernised sawmill in Murów, Poland

Stora Enso has successfully completed the modernisation of its sawmill in Murów, Poland, investing EUR 28 million in its renewal to increase the mill’s capacity and improve its competitiveness. “This investment is part of Stora Enso’s transformation into a renewable materials company. It enables us to meet growing urban construction ...

Bubble Joghurt

Yoghurt drinks with filled alginate balls

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co. Ltd. has introduced two new UHT yoghurt drinks. The two “Baoquzhu”-branded beverages, packed in combiblocSmall 250 ml from SIG Combibloc, contain alginate balls filled with juice, which burst in the mouth when gently chewed. These yoghurt drinks are available in apple and strawberry flavours ...