Informations from the Packaging Industry

Gerhard Schubert GmbH strengthens its pioneering role in packaging technology during the 2020 pandemic year

Cautious leadership management during the Corona crisis is paying off

De­spite the ex­tra­or­di­nary chal­lenges the world faced dur­ing the 2020 fi­nan­cial year, pack­ag­ing ma­chine man­u­fac­tur­er Ger­hard Schu­bert GmbH post­ed a pos­i­tive busi­ness re­sult that was sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter than the Coro­na-related fore­cast ad­just­ments at the be­gin­ning of the pan­dem­ic year sug­gest­ed. The Schu­bert Group achieved an in­crease in turnover of 2.5 ...


Launch of summer campaign „Con Mucho Acento“

To bring its sum­mer cam­paign to life on its pack­ag­ing, icon­ic beer brand Cruz­cam­po, a mem­ber of the Heineken Spain fam­i­ly, turned to Crown Bev­can Eu­rope & Mid­dle East (Crown) to pro­duce a se­ries of 12 nov­el can de­signs. With a cam­paign theme of “Con Mu­cho Acen­to,” which trans­lates to ...

New Parnership with French Collection Company

OneCircle Keg recycling further growing

OneCir­cle, pro­duc­er of the KeyKeg® and the UniKeg®, an­nounced their part­ner­ship with col­lec­tion part­ner ELISE Al­sace; ex­perts in col­lect­ing and re­cy­cling all types of waste. ELISE Al­sace will be col­lect­ing used KeyKegs® through­out the Al­sace re­gion, which will lat­er be re­cy­cled to ful­fil their cir­cu­lar de­sign and re-used into new ...

Lightweight and stable

Cardboard Carriers Deliver for Oslo Brewery

The new Wave­Grip Card­board Car­ri­er from Berry Glob­al has been se­lect­ed by Oslo-based Amund­sen Brew­ery, the sec­ond largest craft brew­ery in Nor­way and one of the fastest grow­ing in the coun­try, to pro­vide a ring car­ri­er so­lu­tion for its range of beer cans. Each car­ri­er weighs just 7.95g for a ...

Drop on Demand heading standard

New inline coding solution for pharmaceutical blister packs

De­spite hav­ing long set up times, hav­ing poor leg­i­bil­i­ty and cre­at­ing oc­ca­sion­al re­work, me­chan­i­cal em­boss­ing re­mains the dom­i­nant tech­nol­o­gy for adding vari­able data on blis­ter packs. In view of the ad­verse ef­fect on both over­all equip­ment ef­fec­tive­ness (OEE) and pa­tient safe­ty, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies are ur­gent­ly look­ing for so­lu­tions. With its ...

New Dual Ovenable Paperseal® Cook Range

From plastics to fiber-based alternatives

Graph­ic Pack­ag­ing In­ter­na­tion­al (‘Graph­ic Pack­ag­ing’) has an­nounced a third ad­di­tion to its award-winning Pa­perSeal® tray range to in­clude a new dual-ovenable ver­sion, Pa­perSeal Cook, which re­duces the amount of plas­tic when com­pared to tra­di­tion­al trays – in this in­stance by up to 80 per­cent. Ri­car­do De Gen­o­va, Graph­ic Pack­ag­ing’s SVP, ...

BOBST 2021 press conference

BOBST unveils latest solutions to support its vision for the packaging industry

One year ago, BOB­ST an­nounced its vi­sion to shape the fu­ture of the pack­ag­ing world, of­fer­ing a pro­found trans­for­ma­tion of the pack­ag­ing in­dus­try. In June 2021 BOST pre­sent­ed sev­er­al new so­lu­tions to sup­port that vi­sion. “We de­vel­oped an am­bi­tious vi­sion and one year on, we are rolling out new so­lu­tions ...

Advanced Sustainability

Wastewater treatment in plastics recycling

Re­cy­cling lines for plas­tics are the cir­cu­lar econ­o­my’s lynch­pins – and as such make a vi­tal con­tri­bu­tion to­wards pro­tect­ing our nat­ur­al en­vi­ron­ment and economis­ing on valu­able re­sources. On the oth­er hand, they also con­sume re­sources, chief among them wa­ter. Which goes to show: A re­cy­cling tech­nol­o­gy’s sus­tain­abil­i­ty must not be ...

Plastics Industry Association

Ulrich Reifenhäuser inducted into the “Plastics Hall of Fame”

Ten lead­ing per­son­al­i­ties from the in­ter­na­tion­al plas­tics in­dus­try were re­cent­ly in­duct­ed into the "Plas­tics Hall of Fame" - one of them is Ul­rich Reifen­häuser (64), CSO of the Reifen­häuser Group, Chair­man of the Ex­hibitors' Ad­vi­so­ry Board of the “K” plas­tics show and Chair­man of the Plas­tics and Rub­ber Ma­chin­ery As­so­ci­a­tion ...

Expansion of PVC-free solutions

ALTANA Acquires Closure Materials Business from Henkel

AL­TANA has ac­quired Henkel's clo­sure ma­te­ri­als busi­ness. As a re­sult, the spe­cial­ty chem­i­cals group is strength­en­ing its range of PVC-free so­lu­tions for the pack­ag­ing in­dus­try in par­tic­u­lar. With­in the AL­TANA Group, the busi­ness will be in­te­grat­ed into the ACTE­GA di­vi­sion and glob­al­ly as­signed to the Met­al Pack­ag­ing So­lu­tions busi­ness line. ...

developing a high-speed production line for fiber-based bottles

Stora Enso and Pulpex partner to produce fiber-based bottles on industrial scale

Sto­ra Enso and pack­ag­ing tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny Pulpex join forces to in­dus­tri­al­ize the pro­duc­tion of eco-friendly pa­per bot­tles and con­tain­ers made from wood fiber pulp. The joint de­vel­op­ment agree­ment is formed ex­clu­sive­ly be­tween Sto­ra Enso and Pulpex, a pack­ag­ing tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny es­tab­lished by Di­a­geo (mak­ers of John­nie Walk­er, Smirnoff and Guin­ness) ...

Low-shear handling of suspensions with an intermittent dispersing phase

Liquid Powder Processing

The clas­sic man­u­fac­tur­ing process for pow­ders is called Pow­der Com­paction: Dry pow­ders are com­pact­ed with a pounder to form a sol­id unit (a disc or oth­er form). Fin­ished prod­ucts are i.e. eye shad­ow or blush. But in some man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es pow­ders are for­mu­lat­ed in a liq­uid phase. This of­ten re­sults ...

versynta flexible filling platform

Syntegon presents innovations at ACHEMA Pulse

Ever small­er batch­es for in­di­vid­ual ther­a­peu­tic ap­proach­es, new cost-intensive bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, and the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic are cur­rent­ly chang­ing the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try rapid­ly. Syn­te­gon Tech­nol­o­gy show­cas­es so­lu­tions to these chal­lenges at the vir­tu­al ACHEMA Pulse from June 15 to 16, 2021. "High­ly flex­i­ble fill­ing tech­nolo­gies with max­i­mum yield, fast prod­uct and pack­ag­ing ...


BOBST opens its virtual doors for a packaging industry wide event

BOB­ST is set to de­liv­er a large pro­gram of we­bi­na­rs and live dis­cus­sions that will cov­er all as­pects of la­bel and pack­ag­ing pro­duc­tion, over four days in ear­ly June. With each day ded­i­cat­ed to one sec­tor, in­dus­try ex­perts will present what’s new and what’s im­por­tant to op­ti­mize your pro­duc­tion floor. ...

Inline digital printing is making further advances

Better individualization, brand protection, and personalization

Dig­i­tal in­line print­ing con­tin­ues to ad­dress a grow­ing num­ber of chal­lenges in com­bi­na­tion with drop-on-demand (DoD) inkjet tech­nol­o­gy. This al­lows in­di­vid­u­al­iza­tion of con­sumer goods pack­ag­ing at a very late stage, es­pe­cial­ly for small batch­es, with the abil­i­ty to add brand pro­tec­tion fea­tures ad­dress­ing prod­uct pira­cy and gray mar­ket risk. When ...

Ensure quality, production efficiency and flexibility for customer requirements

Compounds for pearlized BoPP films

The pearl­ized and white-pearlized mas­ter­batch­es of Tosaf's ZD fam­i­ly en­able man­u­fac­tur­ers of BoPP films to flex­i­bly ad­dress spe­cif­ic re­quire­ments of their cus­tomers in the pack­ag­ing and la­bel in­dus­tries. When added dur­ing pro­cess­ing they en­sure uni­form film prop­er­ties as opac­i­ty, gloss, and thick­ness, across the en­tire width, even when pro­duc­ing films ...

safe and robust bottles in numerous designs, shapes and colors

BASF expanded its Ultrason® P portfolio

BASF has now ex­pand­ed its Ul­tra­son® P port­fo­lio so that it can be used to man­u­fac­ture high-quality bot­tles by all three pro­cess­ing meth­ods that are stan­dard in the in­dus­try. The two polyphenyl­sul­phone (PPSU) grades Ul­tra­son® P 2010 and P 3010 can be used in in­jec­tion stretch blow mold­ing, ex­tru­sion blow ...

Enhanced UX and new exhibitors in Zone 1

Printing Expo Announces the Opening of Zone 2

Fol­low­ing a surge in in­ter­est from both vis­i­tors and ex­hibitors, Print­ing Expo has an­nounced the open­ing of Zone 2 of their on­line ex­hi­bi­tion which in­cludes the Xeikon Wall Dec­o­ra­tion Show­room and the Trade As­so­ci­a­tion Hub. They have also an­nounced new ex­hibitors for Zone 1. With over 21,000 vis­i­tors to date ...

Flexo press cleaning

New biodegradable product range

Flint Group Im­age Trans­fer Tech­nolo­gies in­tro­duces En­vi­roflex, a com­plete suite of biodegrad­able prod­ucts for su­pe­ri­or clean­ing of flexo press­es, anilox rollers and ro­togravure cylin­ders, flexo plates and flex­o­graph­ic print­ing fa­cil­i­ties. The En­vi­roflex biodegrad­able prod­uct range has been de­vel­oped to de­liv­er not only a safe work en­vi­ron­ment whilst per­form­ing dai­ly main­te­nance ...

Water-based gravure printing: working together for a sustainable future

Collaboration of BOBST and Siegwerk on Water-Based Ink Systems

High sol­vent use in gravure print­ing is per­haps the biggest hur­dle to over­come in or­der for this sound tech­nol­o­gy to main­tain its strong po­si­tion longer term. With in­creased gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tion glob­al­ly and pub­lic opin­ion fa­vor­ing new green­er tech­nolo­gies, the fu­ture op­por­tu­ni­ties for gravure are des­tined to be cou­pled with more ...